What we Do:
We simply come together and share God’s love with people who desperately need it.
- We purchase and prepare the items we plan to donate
- We distribute food, toiletries, and clothes to the homeless and needy out of the trunks of our cars.
How you can Help:
- Prayer – Pray for this ministry, the volunteers, and the people we are serving.
- Donations – Drop off food and toiletry items at the church. Donations may be dropped off any time, Monday – Wednesday 9a-3p.
Food items needed: Hard boiled eggs, PB & J Sandwiches, Fruit (bananas and oranges work best), cookies, bottled water
Toiletry Items (all travel size, please): Toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, soap, lotion, men’s socks
- Distribute Items – Meet with us and travel downtown to help us distribute donations
When and Where:
- We meet at St. Justin Martyr every 2nd Saturday of the month at 3:30p.
- Donations are distributed at:
500 North Newnan at the Northwest Corner of Newnan and Church St
For more information, or if you have any questions, please contact the Church office.
9:00am Sunday School
9:40am Hours
10:00am Div. Liturgy
6:00pm Vespers at St. George Church 6300 Bowden Rd Jax, 32216Tue
11Mar6:15pm Youth Committee MeetingWed
12Mar6:00pm Presanctified Liturgy Lenten Meal to Follow
7:00pm Youth Meal following presanctified in youth building