Mailing Address
St. Justin Martyr Orthodox Church
12460 Old St. Augustine Rd
Jacksonville, FL 32258
12460 Old St. Augustine Rd
Jacksonville, FL 32258
12460 Old St. Augustine Rd.
Jacksonville, Florida 32258
Jacksonville, Florida 32258
Email and Phone
Office Hours
Monday- Thursday 10am-3pm
St Justin Martyr is located on Old St Augustine Road in the Mandarin area, about 1.8 miles south of Exit 3 on I-295 or about 2.5 miles north of Exit 335 on I-95. The church is located just east of Plummer Grant Rd and just west of Deeder Ln. Watch for St Justin Martyr sign!
9:00am Sunday School
9:40am Hours
10:00am Div. Liturgy
6:00pm Vespers at St. George Church 6300 Bowden Rd Jax, 32216Tue
11Mar6:15pm Youth Committee MeetingWed
12Mar6:00pm Presanctified Liturgy Lenten Meal to Follow
7:00pm Youth Meal following presanctified in youth building