Ancient Faith Kids is a digital media division of Ancient Faith Ministries that provides a place where children can embark on an inspiring journey toward knowing Jesus Christ and understanding our Faith. This community of Orthodox Christian storytellers is dedicated to sharing their gifts with you and your family. They are committed to providing high-quality, faith-based content that your children will love.
We look forward to hearing about the exciting adventures to help your children grow in their love for Christ. Click below to subscribe to Ancient Faith Kids on Youtube.
9:00am Sunday School
9:40am Hours
10:00am Div. Liturgy
6:00pm Vespers at St. George Church 6300 Bowden Rd Jax, 32216Tue
11Mar6:15pm Youth Committee MeetingWed
12Mar6:00pm Presanctified Liturgy Lenten Meal to Follow
7:00pm Youth Meal following presanctified in youth building